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Andrew D. Barbour


Jeremiah 3:15  And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Pastor Andrew D. Barbour has been saved and serving the Lord for more than 30 years.  He has been in pastoral ministry for 12 years.  Eight years were served as Asst. Pastor under the leadership of his father, the late Bishop Ulysses L. Barbour. He is a young, energetic pastor who 'LOVES' the Word of God and the people of God! Pastor Andrew is an anointed preacher and teacher who believes in letting the Holy Ghost use him and have His way in the service. He resides in Smithfield, NC with the love of his life Lady Christine Barbour of 30yrs.  What an awesome pair! They have been blessed with 3 talented, saved children who offer up their gifts and talents to the Lord by working diligently in their father’s ministry! 

  • Pastor Barbour’s Gifts

Pastor Barbour is a gifted singer and musician.  He is also an awesome minister of music.  Music was his first ministry and where the vision began.  He works with our Youth for Christ, Praise Team, Gospel Choir, and Mass Choir of the church.  He also mentors our music department. 


  • Leader in Apostolic Holiness Churches of America, Inc.

 Under the leadership of our presiding Bishop Tommie L. Doe, he serves as Minister of Music for the National Apostolic Holiness Churches of America, Inc.  He is also president of our NC District Sunday School Convention held in August annually.  Pastor Barbour also serves on the Board of Presbyterian. 


  • What We Know!

 We, the members of "The Jude" know that we are in the right church, with the right Pastor and congregation, serving the true and living God!  It’s our pastor's mission and goal to guide us successfully to go on to perfection and be all that God will have us to be in Christ Jesus!  Our pastor’s mission statement is Proverbs 4:7, “And with all thy getting, get understanding!”

Our Frist Lady


First Lady Christine Barbour or “Lady B” as we call her, has been saved and serving the Lord for more than 30 years.  She gave her life to the Lord at an early age, and her life has been an example of what God can do when you dedicate a life of service to the Lord.  She has truly found favor with God.  Lady B is an anointed prophetess and true woman of God who speaks by the power of God.  Many lives have been changed because of the words she has uttered under the direction of the Holy Ghost. 


Lady Barbour is deeply involved in the work of the ministry, appropriately assisting Pastor Barbour in numerous capacities.  She directs our Youth For Christ, Gospel and Mass Choir of the church.  Lady B also works alongside pastor in the National Apostolic Mass Choir. 


Our First Lady has a love for children and mentoring the young women of the church.  She has been instrumental in evolving several committees at the church and heads the ministry of taking care of pastor!  Lady B is also known for her selection of hats, her style, and her grace.  She is a beautiful woman inside and out.  She is truly gifted to serve as a leader to this culture and generation.  Three of her greatest accomplishments are Andrew II, Aaron, and Jasmine, and being the wife of our Pastor.  Lady B loves the Lord with all her heart, soul, and mind.  She gives the Lord her all in her praise!

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