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St. Jude Church strives to be a God focused, relevant church that offer our church ministries with love, prayer, support, and dedication to our members and to all that have need of us!  God is our head and we are the body of Christ!

Prayer/Sick Committee


James 5

:14  Is any sick among you?  Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;

:15   And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 

The Prayer & Sick Committee are committed to contacting the sick, shut-in, and bereaved; with special attention to members absent for more than 3 consecutive Sundays.  This committee is dedicated to providing warmth and love along with care packages (card, flowers, ect.) to members who may have been hospitalized or suffered loss of a loved one.

Bible Study -                              Pastor Andrew Barbour

Bible Study is taught every Wednesday night @ 7:30 pm by our Pastor Andrew Barbour.  The word is exspounded on with such clarity and we leave feeling refreshed and more knowledgeable in God's word.  Click on the attached ATT document below and be blessed by one of our Pastor's recent lessons!

Mini Sermon by Pastor Barbour below!


Youth/Young Adult Advisory Committee

The Mission of this committee is to mentor and give inspirational instructions to our youth and young adult that will help guide them in life.  The committee is expected to plan events that will enrich our children's lives through outtings, film, worship, praise, learning activities and fun Christian fellowship that is centered on Jesus Christ and his love for us.  In addition, this committee will work to assist with fundraiser projects and other program events that aid our now and future church with their spiritual growth and Christian development.

Musical Staff (BAB)


St. Jude is 'blessed' to have anointed instrumentalist we call ‘BAB’.  These “Born Again Brothers” have been appointed by God, at an early age, to play medleys at the church with divine inspirations!  The Ministerial Committee provides music for our choirs as well as other affiliated events and services by offering up their talents to God whereby releasing the High Praises unto him!  The choirs represented at the church are as following:  Gospel Choir/Youth for Christ Choir/Praise Team. 

Ministerial Committee


The Ministerial Committee is our church's anointed, Holyghost filled Missionaries & Ministers who uses neighborhood witnessing, preaching, and teaching platforms to help introduce and/or increase the knowledge to individuals about Jesus Christ.  This auxiliary is also responsible for helping to build a biblical foundation for our new members and to aid in encouraging them through and by personal examples of living a Christian life themselves.

Performing Arts Ministries


The Performing Arts Ministry are various praise and worship talents at our church that are expressed through Flag & Banner Ministry, Theatrical Ministry, and Spoken Poetry.  We also have a Praise Dance ministry which is an expression of litererigal dance whereby the praiser's are allowed to highlight lyrics of a song through their dance.  We believe that "Every Praise" is due our God!




"A Faith On Trial!"

Pastor Andrew Barbour

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